Monday, March 11, 2013

A Fantasmic! Birthday

I know I should have been satisfied with the unbelievable Vegas trip, but I just wouldn't be me if I didn't go to Disneyland to celebrate. As soon as I walked into the park, the gentleman at the gate sang me a birthday serenade (has anyone ever sang Happy Birthday to you backwards?) and, during the parade, all of the dancers and Snow White wished me a Happy Birthday. We lucked out because the rain kept away the children and the pansies. We got to ride everything, some things twice, got a decent spot for the Fireworks, and sat front row for Fantasmic! which I always feels is the epitome of Disney magic. Disneyland birthdays are just more special than most.

Even though Hanna has denied trips to Disneyland and Vegas for forever, she put her objections aside for lil ol' me and, just because she wanted me to have more reason to gush about her, she got me the Ork Poster that I wanted! She actually really enjoyed both so I don't feel too terrible about twisting her arm.  All this, plus the Chewbacca beanie that I bought myself made me very happy to have been born.

I hate when people think their birthdays should be celebrated all month long so this will be the final word on it. Pinky promise.

I've spent the last couple of days drooling over closets. I pretty much just have a standard ikea situation going on now and, lemme tell ya, it is not working. It's just mostly shelving which is completely wasted on someone that wears as many dresses as I do. But unfortunately, being unemployed and all, I'm not quite solvent enough to get anything fancy so I'm going to have to get creative. Plus, my room is so damn tiny that a custom fix is really the only way I'll get the best use of my space. I've decided to start with one of those cheapo ugly customizable things and work my way up from functional to exactly what I want. It's going to have to be very  out in the open to begin with but I don't even mind that since the crappy cramped mess that I deal with now is always surprisingly tidy. I also feel like starting from something über basic will allow me to feel out exactly what I need instead of the guessing game that I'm actually really enjoying. I just have so many ideas that I'm really excited about making happen. My clothes deserve better.

Feel free to admit if you just read this for some gossip. : p


  1. I'm not sure how I feel about the Chewbacca/Minnie Mouse combination. I'm really not.

    1. Well then I'm afraid I should warn you that there are few combinations that encompass who I am as a person more entirely than sequined mouse ears and a Chewbacca beanie. Plus, I didn't want to carry one around.
